Page 4 - Good News February 2012 paper
P. 4

s the BBC reports, some  of bounds.
                 church  leaders  in  the  In  other  words,  this  Denomina-
          ANetherlands  want  to  tion  has  embraced  a  straight-
          rethink  Christianity:  “experi-     forward  form  of  atheism  within
          menting with radical new ways  its  own  ranks  -  and  among  its
          of understanding the faith.”         own ministers!
          Klaas  Hendrikse,  a  minister  of  All this is familiar to anyone who
          the  mainstream  Protestant  has  been  observing  mainline
          Denomination  in  the  Nether-       Protestantism  -  in  either  the
          lands doesn’t believe in life after  United States or Europe - for the
          death,  or  even  in  God  as  a  last  half-century  or  more.  The
          supernatural being. He told the  central doctrines of Christianity
          BBC that he has “no talent” for  are  first  sidelined  and  hardly
          believing historic and orthodox  mentioned,  then  revised,  and
          doctrines. “God is not a being at  finally rejected.
          all,”  he  says,  “but  just  an  If the Church changes in the way
          experience.”                         the Dutch liberals are changing  once  pervasively  Christian.  humanity of Christ, there is no
          Hendrikse  published  a  book  it,  it  is  spiritually  and  theolo-      Theologian  and  conservative  Gospel and no salvation.
          titled Believing in a Non-Existent  gically  dead.  There  is  a  new  church  leader Abraham  Kuyper
          God.  Conservative  church  religion  of  “something-ism”  in  was the nation’s prime minister
          leaders demanded a heresy trial  the Netherlands, and it is not a  from 1901 to 1905.                           “Beware of false teachers who
          for  the  minister,  but  the  new form of Christianity - it is a  The  Dutch  once  claimed  to  come  disguised  as  harmless
          Denomination  decided  that  new religion meeting in historic  model a Christian culture. All that  sheep, but are wolves and will
          Hendrikse’s views are too com-       Christian church buildings.           now  lies  in  ruins.  Without  the  tear  you  apart”  (Matthew  7:15,
          monly held to be considered out  All  this  in  a  country  that  was  knowledge of the full Deity and  Life Application Bible).
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