Page 5 - Good News November 2006 paper
P. 5

“Prayer  changes  things",  is  our walk.
          the theme of a familiar sacred              Lord,  what  a  change
          song. An even greater miracle               within us
          is the fact that prayer changes             one short hour
          us.   More  things  are  wrought            spent  in  Thy  presence
          by  prayer  than  this  world               will
          dreams of.                                  avail to make;
          Prayer has the power even to                We  kneel,  how  weak!
          transform  one’s  physical                  We rise,
          features. It can bring light to a           how full of power!
          weary or sin-sick face. It can  Prayer matters. It can make a
          put buoyancy in the step and  world  of  difference  in  our
          laughter in the heart.               lives.
          Listening  to  and  talking  to  “Lord, teach us to pray!”
          God changes our desires and  [From:  Life  Lines,  Thelma
          our actions. We long to help  Turner  Tidwell,  Beacon  Hill
          instead  of  hinder.  We  are  Press, 1973]
          moved to shoulder the load of
          others  -  we  do  not  greedily
          keep everything for ourselves
          but  we  willingly  share.  We
          sing little spontaneous songs
          of thanksgiving - we no longer
          will  to have our way, but yield
          to God’s way. Herein lies the
          miracle of miracles in prayer.
          The  more  completely  we  let
          God have control of our lives,
          the more life-changing will be
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