Page 1 - Good News September 2014 paper
P. 1

turned  forty  in  February  2004  -  a  watershed   communicate, my consulting business, and much
             moment in my life. My husband sent our children,     that defined me. My family and friends had to learn
          Iaged 9 and twins of 6, to school, and then brought     sign  language  and  become  my  voice.  When  the
          me breakfast in bed. Within hours my vocal cords        Botox was no longer effective I had titanium plates
          went into laryngeal spasm and I could not breathe.      inserted into my larynx and a permanent unsightly
                                                                  tracheotomy. I was trapped in a world of silence on a
          Within days, life as I had known it came to an abrupt   traumatic journey of self-discovery. Where was my
          end. My vocal cords continued to spasm intermit-        God in all of this?
          tently, and I had no control over speech or sound.
          My treatment protocol involved Botox injections to      A few weeks before I lost my voice a pastor had given
          my vocal cords every eight weeks to paralyse them,      me a prophetic word indicating that God would use
          so that I could breathe. However, paralysis of the      me to teach, preach and share His Word; surely I
          cords  impacted  my  ability  to  swallow  and  needed a voice for that? I decided that I had a choice
          obliterated my speech completely. I was told this       to take God at His word or accept what looked like a
          condition was chronic - I would never speak again!      devastating situation. I wrote on a piece of paper: “I
                                                                                    Continued on p. 2
          My world imploded. I lost my health, my ability to                        Continued on p. 2                               Kim Ballantine
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