“In 1951, comedian Red Skelton and a group of friends flew to Europe, where Skelton was scheduled to perform. As they were flying over the Swiss Alps, three of the plane's engines failed. The situation looked grave, and the passengers began to pray. As the plane lost altitude and moved closer and closer to the ominous peaks, Skelton went into one of his classic comic routines to distract the nervous passengers. At the last moment, the pilot spotted a field among the precipitous slopes and made a perfect landing. Skelton broke the relieved silence by saying, “Now ladies and gentlemen, you may return to all the evil habits you gave up twenty minutes ago.” Skelton knew – as we all do – that most people turn to prayer only when some dire emergency comes along that they see no way out of except through Divine intervention. When life’s going along relatively well, they don’t seem to have much time for God. Praying and “getting right with God” are the last things on their minds. But it’s our loss if we regard prayer merely as a spiritual fire extinguisher labelled, “For Emergency Use Only.” Prayer is also for the good times. It’s our link with God. Regular contact with God can provide you with the strength and inspiration you need to make it in a world of stress and pressures and difficult choices. So talk to God. Confide your deepest needs. Tell Him what’s on your mind. You’ll reap dividends you never imagined.
(Joseph Tkach)

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