A shy young man approached the native missionary. “Sir,” he said, “If Jesus is the real God, please pray for my father. For 15 years he has been insane.”
Gladly, Tarachand followed the boy home. He learned that 15 years ago, the father became so violent that the family locked him in a hut outside the village. The native missionary eagerly shared the Good News of Christ with this suffering family. Then they took him to the locked hut. “When I saw him,” Tarachand remembers, “his clothes were torn. He was very dirty, and completely insane. Deeply moved by his condition, I laid my hands on him and prayed in the Name of Jesus. Nothing happened at that moment, so I went home.” But two days later, the excited family knocked at my door. “Our father is well!” the children cried. “He has come home!” Without hesitation, the entire family received Jesus into their hearts. Today a man who once was insane and locked in a hut tells everyone he meets that Jesus can set them free!
(Source: GFA)

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