Volmaakte Liefde Is Om te Vergewe... | |
Dr J. Wilbur Chapman tells of a man who had been a professor of mathematics at a German University, but who became a wreck from strong drink. He came to one of Dr Chapman’s services, forlorn and dejected and took a seat in the rear of the hall. He was converted and became a member of the Church. It was Dr Chapman’s custom to meet with the men of his Church every Sunday morning before going to the pulpit.
One morning he told them that their sins were taken from them as far as the East is from the West. Then, seeing the old professor, he said, “Professor, that is a mathematical proposition for you. How far is the East from the West?” The professor reached for his pencil and notebook but he suddenly stopped and burst into tears. Facing the crowd, he said, “Men, you cannot measure, for if you put your stake here and keep the East ahead of you and the West behind you, you can go around the world and come back to your stake and East will still be ahead of you and West behind you. The distance is immeasurable. And thank God, that is where my sins have gone!” - Christ for the World Messenger |