Shelia Holcomb

When I was born my mother was only 15 years old. She was not mature enough to take care of herself, let alone a baby. So she would send me to whoever was willing to take me at that particular time. Most of the time it was my grandmother. Several times my mother would decide that she wanted me back and she would come and uproot me again. I never really knew any stability and always felt as if no one really loved or wanted me.
At the age of nine she came and took me away from my grand-mother, who at this point was the only mother I had ever known, and I was very attached to her.
My mother then took me to Illinois where she lived. She had remarried and had two children. Her new husband hated me and the only reason I could figure out was simply that I was not his child. He started abusing me physically, and eventually he raped me. This abuse continued until I was thirteen. I finally told my mother but she didn’t believe me. Actually no one believed me!
I buried those feelings of anger and hatred for years. (That has now all been dealt with and forgiven and is under the precious blood of Jesus. Praise God!).
I told my mother that I wanted to go back to Memphis to live with my grandmother. She consented because she felt I was causing so much trouble and she did not want to be bothered any longer.
My grandmother also remarried and I resented her husband for taking her away from me too. You must remember I was only a child and felt she was all I had. Now I had lost her too! I caused so many problems that my grandmother finally went to court and told the judge that I was out of control and they just could not handle me any longer. The court removed and placed me in a foster home. The home I went to was wonderful, but at that time I could not see things clearly - all I could see was that the only person who should love me had now turned her back on me as well. I just wanted to be with my grandmother so I ran away.
I was then placed in a Catholic Girls Reform School for three and a half years. As I look back, I can honestly say it was one of the best things that ever happened to me. But at that time all I could see was that I was totally alone, unloved and unwanted in this great big world.
After this I was married. In 1987 I lost my three children to their father and was devastated. I turned to alcohol and eventually used crack and cocaine. By this time I had lost everything, including my dignity as I had turned to prostitution to support my drug habit. I was arrested several times on various charges, but never convicted. I know that God was taking care of me even then. He saw what I would become in Him. I give GOD all the PRAISE, HONOUR AND GLORY!
The drugs and my roaming had taken me to many places but on 20 December 1990, I came across a man who told me about Jesus and how He could deliver me and make my life an example to others. I had not eaten for a couple of days and he asked me if I was hungry. He took me to a restaurant and bought me something to eat. The entire time he shared Jesus Christ with me. He told me Christ could and would set me free if I was willing. Jesus would give me a new life without all the pain and turmoil I was experiencing. (Of course, being a Christian does not eliminate pain, trials and tribulation. But with Christ in our hearts He will give us the strength to overcome and withstand even the worst times). I began sharing my life story with this man and he maintained that Jesus was the answer. I gave my heart to the Lord and decided to live for Him and serve Him for the rest of my life! I had been singing for many years, but had destroyed my voice through drug abuse. So I prayed and told the Lord that if He would heal and restore my voice I would use this gift for His glory for the rest of my life. God has done exceedingly, abundantly above all that I could ask or think! The songs I sing today and others that I have written are all His. I am only an instrument holding the pen. It does not matter what your situation is, Christ will come and meet with you if you are willing to let go and let Him be God of your life. I have had so many miracles in my Christian life.
Actually, I am a walking miracle myself! Five years ago I was diagnosed with an incurable bowel condition. Doctors were not sure what the exact problem was, but they came to the conclusion that with several ulcers in my body and many in my bowel system, they had to do surgery and remove part of the bowel. My reply was that I wanted to pray about this and that I believed that God was going to heal me. However, they scheduled me for another scope the following week, just a few days after Christmas. On Christmas Eve I placed a long distance call to a friend of mine who is a minister and asked him to pray for me. He said that he would have to call me back in a few minutes’ time. While waiting for him to call I got about ten Bibles, opened them and placed them in a circle on the floor with one opened in the middle of the circle. When my friend called me back I knelt on the Bible in the middle and said, "pray". When he prayed for me I felt the fire of God going through me. I had such peace! I went to bed and fell asleep. (God caused Adam to fall into a deep sleep and removed a rib to create woman). God did the same for me as I lay there sleeping. He performed surgery on me and healed my body. I slept for 17 hours and when I woke the bleeding had stopped and so had the pain! I knew without a doubt that I was healed by the precious hand of the Master! I had been using $400.00’s worth of medicine a month. I went into the kitchen and threw it all in the trash can.
I went back for the scope and the doctors were amazed! There were no ulcers left and I just praised God for His healing power!
I am now an ordained minister and I am married to a wonderful man who is also a minister. God has put us together in ministry. We are enjoying serving the Lord together. I am a gospel singer/songwriter. The Lord has blessed me and I will continue on this road He has placed me. My only desire is to serve Him. It is to God’s glory that I am giving my testimony. If one soul is reached in any way it is worth all the effort.
I cannot stress enough that it is only by God’s amazing grace that my life is completely changed! Without Christ we are nothing, but through Him we are His joint-heirs. He is our Deliverer, Saviour, Helper and Healer! Any problem we may have is never too great for Him. We just have to take it to Him and leave it at His feet and in His care. I thank God for His power! He still saves, heals and delivers. He is a good and merciful God!
I have made many mistakes but His grace is sufficient. God loves us and if we truly repent and confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness!

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