"Well Mary," said the old minister to the servant girl, "What do you do about praying without ceasing?"
"Well sir," said the girl, "when I first open my eyes in the morning, I pray and thank God for a good night's sleep and then ask Him to open the eyes of my understanding to realize His Goodness for the rest of the day. "While I am dressing, I ask Him to clothe me with His Righteousness, and while I am washing, I ask Him to cleanse me of all sin. As I begin to work, I ask Him for strength for my daily work, and when I light the fire, I ask Him to let revival begin first in my own heart. "While preparing breakfast, I ask to be fed with the Bread of Life and the pure sincere milk of the Word of God. Then, when I begin to sweep the floors, I pray that my heart and mind too, will be swept of all impurities. Then I get busy with the children, and I ask our Heavenly Father to make me, not childish, but childlike, like these children ever trusting their parents. "Sir, everything I do, gives me a thought for prayer! Even when I sit in the shade under that big thorn tree to rest, I think of One Who so loved me, that He died for me and now I am resting in the beautiful thought that I have Eternal Life in Him." "Enough, enough," said the minister and began to pray: "I thank Thee Lord, that these things are hidden from the prudent and worldly wise, and revealed even unto babes." [From: Better than Butter by Herbert Stein]. |