Mr CT Studd, the great Cambridge cricketer of England, gave up a legal career to go to the dark places of the earth as a missionary. He said, "I decided to live only and utterly for Christ." While reading his Bible one day, Mr Studd applied the story of the rich young ruler to himself and gave away his entire fortune, half a million dollars, and followed Christ in voluntary poverty. His last term of service was in the heart of Africa for nearly 13 years without a vacation. Listen to what Mr Studd said on "Whosoever he be of you that forsaketh not all that he hath, he cannot be My disciple" (Luke 14:33): "Don’t seek a long life - Christ had a short one. Don’t live in luxury - Christ lived and died poor. Don’t live in pleasure - Christ pleased not Himself. Don’t live in fame - Christ made Himself of no reputation. Don’t live at ease - Christ suffered for you the shame of the scourge and the cross." - The Prairie Pastor |