SERVANTHOOD (John 13:1-17). | |
The Saviour of the world proved Himself to be the greatest Servant of all time. The story is familiar to many. When the disciples booked an upper room for their supper, they forgot to book a servant to wash dirty feet at the door, as per custom.Yet when the disciples realized the servant was missing, none of them volunteered for the job. Instead, they argued over who was the greatest. When Jesus saw this, He decided to use the opportunity to present an object lesson. After supper, Jesus stripped down to a small piece of cloth around His waist, even looking the part of the servant. Then He took a basin of water and a towel and began washing the feet of His men. As He interacted with them, several lessons about servanthood became clear. Christlike Servants/Leaders: 1. Are motivated by love to serve others. Jesus' love was undeserved, unending, unconditional and unselfish. Love made Him serve! 2. Possess a security that allow them to serve others. The insecure are into titles; the secure are into towels. Jesus' security enabled Him to both stoop and stretch. 3. Initiate servant ministry to others. Jesus didn't wait for someone to clarify protocol. He saw a need and met it! 4. Receive servant ministry from others. A servant's heart exposes pride in others. Peter had a hard time letting Jesus serve him. 5. Want nothing to hinder their relationship with God. Peter moved from one extreme to the other. When Jesus offered to wash his feet, he didn't want to miss anything else He might do. 6. Teach servanthood by their example. Jesus let them know that if the Master washed their feet, they ought to imitate Him. 7. Live a blessed life. Jesus reminded His men that they were blessed if they obeyed Him. [The Maxwell Leadership Bible, p. 1299]. |