It is now more eminent than ever before that we are heading for a Global Cashless Society in which all monetary exchange will be based on Microchip Technology. Chips that get under your skin. “He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads” (Rev. 13:16). USA to take over the Western Hemisphere by January 2005. American Union There is talk to create the American Union by the year 2005. This will include all the nations of North, Central and South America and the Caribbean Islands, and will function just like the present European Union. There will be only one monetary system, one central bank, one (unelected) governing body, one military force, one judicial system, no borders, and no Constitution and Bill of Rights. Carl Sanders was a top electronics engineer and inventor for the US Government. The Government commissioned Sanders to design a microchip for identifying and controlling the peoples of the world - a microchip that could be inserted under the skin with a hypodermic needle (a quick, convenient method that would gradually be accepted by society). He designed a microchip which is powered by a lithium battery rechargeable through the temperature in your skin. The chip is capable of storing pages upon pages of information about you. (Sanders was not a Christian at the time). He now believes that this microchip which he regretfully helped to design is the ‘mark’ spoken about in Revelation 13:15-17. Getting out of Debt It is of the utmost importance that people should get themselves free from debt. There is a clear Biblical procedure for getting out of debt: 1. The 1st principle of getting out of debt is not to GET, but to GIVE! When you start giving you will get the breakthrough. Giving is really an outward expression of our inner commitment to God. It is out of a love relationship that we give. “It is more blessed to give than to receive”(Acts 20:35). 2. Tithing is a fundamental principle of God’s Word. Malachi 3:10: “Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house and try Me now in this,”says the Lord of hosts. “If I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you such a blessing that there will be no room enough to receive it.” 3. Give to the Poor. “But thou shalt open thine hand wide unto him…for this thing the LORD thy God shall bless thee in all thy works, and in all that thou puttest thine hand unto” (Deut. 15:7-8, 10-11). 4. Accountability. Matthew 25:14-30. We are stewards accountable to God. 5. Owe no man anything. “Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for he who loves his fellow man has fulfilled the law”(Romans 13:8). 6. The cheerful giver. God loves a cheerful giver. Read 2 Corinthians 9:5-10. Use everything you have to glorify God. 7. Live within your means. “And my God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory by CHRIST JESUS.” (Phillipians 4:19). Sponsored by: TG Traders |