Behold, with great love have I chosen thee and made thee Mine, saith the Lord. Yea, My heart is drawn out toward thee, and I would minister to thee.
I wait for thee to turn from everything else to Me alone. I want you to give Me all of yourself. I want the real you. The more you can bring to Me of your true self, the more I can give you of My true Self.
If ye come to Me with any kind of cloak over your soul, just to this extent ye hinder Me from fully opening My heart to you. I am neither disturbed by imperfections nor impressed with piety. People look upon the outward, but I am only concerned with the heart; for I know that whenever I can occupy the heart, all will be working toward perfection of the outer man…
Ye are Mine, saith the Lord. Ye are not your own. With a very great price have I purchased thee unto Myself. I am not dismayed that ye do not comprehend, but I say unto thee, that if ye will hearken unto Me, I will reveal My will to thee more fully so that ye may know more clearly how vital you are in My purpose. There is work to be done and I need you as a vessel through which to work. Not a vassal, but a vessel. I want to do a beautiful work.
There will be inconveniences to be borne, self-pleasing to be laid aside, sacrifices and pain, but what a blessed reward I have in store! Yes, in store for you, if you are able to let Me use you in the way which I desire to do.
Ye are not unworthy; ye are not unprepared. Ye have no reason to hold back unless it be that your love for Me is too small. If this be the only hindrance, draw closer to Me, and I shall pour My love out upon you and thus shall your own affection for Me be deepened and perfected. Lo, I wait for you. Come to Me. - Come Away My Beloved by Frances J. Roberts, Christian Art Publishers, 1997.

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