Many issues can keep a church from growing and hinder a pastor's effectiveness. They include circumstances beyond his control (demographics or a location that hinders growth), an unco-operative Board (they say "no" to his vision), or even family issues (a chronically ill child who requires an inordinate amount of energy).

These experiences can bring painful brokenness to a pastor's heart. And, we seldom see any immediate benefit from our brokenness. But could God use it in our lives? I believe so.

Brokenness has touched my life in the two places where it hurts the most: my family (a child chronically ill for 25 years and a child who rebelled for many years) and my ministry (many dreams not fulfilled).

Yet, I've taken comfort when Jesus explained that brokenness must precede fruit-bearing. "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains by itself alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit" (John 12.24).

Nineteenth-century Danish theologian Søren Kierkegaard captures the essence of Jesus' words when he wrote these words: "God creates everything out of nothing and everything God is to use He first reduces to nothing."

Also, Richard Foster, one of today's most influential voices on spiritual formation, describes one of the greatest benefits from brokenness. He calls it the "crucifixion of the will" and says it brings "freedom from the everlasting burden of always getting our own way." Always getting our own way is the antithesis of the "other-centered life" Jesus modelled for us.

As I enter the sixth decade of my life and reflect over the brokenness I've faced as a pastor, I'm beginning to see its great value. It still hurts and I'd prefer not to face it. Yet, I'm experiencing the fruit of brokenness: inner peace, joy, and a purpose that supersedes "ministry success." How has God used brokenness in your life and ministry?

Dr. Charles Stone is Lead Pastor at West Park Church in London, Ontario, Canada, and the founder of StoneWell Ministries, a pastor-coaching and church-consulting Ministry.

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