A missionary in Nepal narrowly escaped death because he stopped to hold a prayer meeting. Missionary Bahadur had conducted a training session in the Gorkha region of Nepal. He delayed departure to have a time of prayer with the local believers, and in so doing missed his bus back to Kathmandu. He had no choice but to take the next bus, which would arrive home late at night. On the way, his bus passed the earlier bus, which had been wrecked - with no survivors! Even though his mother recently succumbed to cancer and his father died a long time ago, Bahadur, who owns no mode of transportation, faithfully travels many miles a day by bus and by foot bringing the Gospel to his clansmen.
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Subash and Vishnu have two sons: 9-year-old Sunil and 6-year-old Manjit, and a daughter, 4-year-old Kavita. Pastors Jens Kaldewey and Jörg Schori from Switzerland met Subash, Vishnu and Kavita in April 2002 at a marriage conference in Jammu, Northern India. “The parents told us the following amazing story, confirmed through friends and the change in their own lives,” says Schori. “In October 1998, when Kavita was 3 months old, Subash and Vishnu went to work in the fields. Following a strange impression, the mother hurried home, and found both boys lying on top of their sister. Kavita became colder and colder, and did not breathe for three hours. Her parents had only 100 Rupees (about US$3), so could not afford to take their daughter to hospital. They were not yet Christians, but knew about a preacher who told of miracles, and from whom they had heard a number of things about Jesus. In desperation, Subash and Vishnu started to pray to Jesus, even though they were Hindus. They prayed for about an hour, starting at 19:00 until God made Kavita breathe again. The neighbours had already gathered to mourn, and were astonished by the news that the girl had returned to life. As a result, many people believed in Jesus and were themselves healed. The parents’ faith was greatly strengthened through the experience, and they started to serve Jesus. They are now full-time evangelists, and bring many people to Jesus. The church which they attend has grown from 25 to 250 members. In the meantime, two brothers and their wives have become Christians, and their parents, who were initially very displeased by the change in their children, are slowly becoming more open.” ( through Friday Fax |
The story of Mexican intercessor Ana Méndez could come straight from the Book of Acts.
While she was being treated in a psychiatric hospital, Jesus appeared to her and filled her with His Spirit. In the 14 days following her salvation, almost 80% of the patients were healed by God’s Hand. She was no famous preacher, and only a few days old in the faith, but the demons left and people suffering illnesses were healed! Since then God has been working in her life in a miraculous way. At a recent Prayer Conference Méndez told this story: “When I had been a Christian for three years, my sister told me that God had shown her that I should work as a translator at a Conference with Morris Cerullo. I laughed, because I understood probably only ten words of English at that time. My sister looked at me in an unusual way, and I sensed ‘that it was God speaking through her’. I said ‘Lord, Your will be done.’ Not long afterwards, I was on stage. The moment one of the Conference teachers began to speak, I was able to understand English, and started to translate what he said. Two months later, I preached at my first Conference in the USA. In 2001, I spoke in the French-speaking part of Switzerland. When I opened my mouth, I suddenly spoke French! I spoke French during the whole Conference. Something similar happened in Brazil in 2001, when I was able to preach in Portuguese!” Source: Ana Méndez through Friday Fax |
Missionary Prabash works in an area of India inhabited by tribes who speak Oriya, Telegu, Kui, Bongu, and Adivasi languages. There is no school within 25 miles. “The people are very illite-rate, just like in the Stone Age,” Prabash said.”In these remote villages some men and women don’t even wear clothes.”
Recently his wife was attacked by the deadly “dengue” fever. Many people in the area died from this disease, but God was merciful and his wife recovered. Later, while Prabash was conducting village evangelism he was bitten by a deadly poisonous snake. “Many people bitten by that kind of snake died,” Prabash said, “but God delivered me from that snake poison. God is so good to us!” Prabash preaches an average of seven times a week, and in the last six months led 296 Bible studies or prayer meetings. Even without a motorbike, Prabash and his disciples were able to take the Gospel to seven villages in the last six months. “Many people were open to the Gospel and asked us to come back,” he said. But one village bitterly opposed them. “They chased us out of the village and severely beat our team members,” he said. One person was struck in the eye with a bamboo stick and lost sight in that eye due to damage to the optical nerve. But the enemy couldn’t stop us,” Prabash told Christian Aid. “We led 97 people to faith in Christ.” Source: Missions Insider |
Another factor that helps to obtain a rich harvest is sowing with tears. Psalms 126:5-6 says, “Those who sow in tears will reap with songs of joy. He who goes out weeping carrying seeds to sow, will return with songs of joy carrying sheaves with him.” John Knox cried and prayed, “Lord, give me Scotland or I die.” John Hyde prayed, “Let me burn out for India.” Very recently three men stood in a corner of Uttar Pradesh State and prayed, “Lord, give us U.P. or we die.” What one saint said recently is very apt and pertinent: “The need of the hour is a broken heart, bent knees and wet eyes.” - Rev. C. George, co-leader of Operation Agape in Punjab State of India. Source: Missions Insider |