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IF the words that Christ spoke are spirit and are life (John 6:63); IF the Scriptures cannot be broken (John 10: 35); IF the Scriptures testify to One who alone can give eternal life (John 5:39); IF we are commanded to show ourselves approved unto God by rightly handling the Word of truth (2 Timothy 2: 15); IF the proper study of the Word keeps us from sinning against God (Psalm 119:11); IF the entrance of God's Word gives light and gives understanding to the simple (Psalm 119: 130); IF the words of the Lord are right (Psalm 33:4); |
IF the heavens were made by the Word of the Lord (Psalm 34:6); IF the young man cleanses his way by taking heed according to the Lord's Word (Psalm 119:9); IF His Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path (Psalm 119:105); IF God has magnified His Word above all His Name (Psalm 138:2); IF the Word of our God shall stand forever (Isaiah 40:8); IF the Word is like a fire and like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces (Jeremiah 23:29); IF His Word do good to him who walketh uprightly (Micah 2:7); IF man shall live by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God (Matthew 4:4); IF the Word was made flesh (John 1:14); IF he that heareth My Word and believeth on Him that sent Me, has everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation (John 5:24); IF God's Word is the Truth (John 17:17); IF the Word effectually worketh also in you that believe (1 Thess. 2:13); If you will be nourished up in the words of faith by putting these things into remembrance (1 Timothy 4:6); IF God (Jesus) upholds all things by the Word of His power (Hebrews 1:3); IF the Word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart (Hebrews 4:12); IF the Word of the Lord endureth for ever (1 Peter 1:25); IF the Word bear witness to Jesus (1 John 5:6); IF the Words of God shall be fulfilled (Revelation 17:17); ...Then why not put first on your daily schedule a time for systematic study of God's precious Word? |