A vase shatters, brushed by a careless elbow; a toy breaks, pushed beyond its limit by young fingers; and fabric rips, pulled by strong and angry hands. Spills and breakages take time to clean up or repair and money to replace, but far more costly are shattered relationships.

Unfaithfulness, untruths, hateful words, and forsaken vows tear and rip delicate personal bonds and inflict wounds not easily healed. Most tragic, however, are broken relationships with GOD.

God loves perfectly and completely. And His love is a love of action - giving, guiding, and guarding. He is altogether faithful, true to His promises to His chosen people. But consistently they spurn their loving God, breaking the covenant, following other gods, and living for themselves. So the relationship is shattered!

But the breach is not irreparable; all hope is not lost. God can heal and mend and reweave the fabric! Forgiveness is available. And that is GRACE - God's grace!

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