Many believers today find themselves in a state of weariness. In fact, an accurate description of much of the Church would be anemic. Anemia is characterised by listlessness and weakness. Physically, anemia can be caused by a failure to get enough iron in our food, often arising from a lack of meat in our diet. In the same way, many are spiritually anemic because they have not partaken of the meat that Jesus spoke of - doing the will of the Father and finishing His work! Our failure to be engaged in doing the Father's will and work has indeed left the Church weak and immature. In fact, many believers would mature more spiritually in six months by beginning to do the work of the ministry than they have in six years of simply receiving ministry. It is imperative that we recognise this truth - while we need to hear God's voice to live, we must do His will in order to grow and mature. Consumers or Producers?
In the early days of our Christian experience, the excitement of God meeting our needs supernaturally consumed most of us. Just as a newborn receives all of his sustenance, both physically and emotionally, from nursing at his mother's breast, so we are fulfilled in receiving all that we need from God.The problem is that many enjoyed the comfort and security of the Father's breast too much to mature, and wanted to remain in that comfort zone. However, the time has come that we mature to the place where we desire to be not only recipient, but a source of blessing to others. This mindset of passively receiving ministry has desperately weakened the Church in Western society. Part of the problem arises because we dwell in the midst of a consumer-orientated culture and have allowed ourselves to be conformed to our world. In fact, it would be fair to say that the majority of our Church members are simply looking for better teaching to help them grow spiritually. While it is true that understanding correct doctrine and receiving in-depth teaching are a part of God's methods to mature us spiritually, it is only a portion of His plan. Doing the Work
The first type of meat that Jesus outlined was doing the Father's will. God's will is revealed in His Word. So, being a hearer of His Word is important. But, as James pointed out, if we are only hearers and not doers, then we are in self-deception (James 1:22).However, when we become doers of the Word, God's ways become engrafted into our souls. We begin to grow by receiving His power in order to perform His Word. No amount of teaching we receive can substitute for the growth that comes as we begin to obey the teaching we have already heard. This is primary to our maturity - doing the will of the Father. Consider John's statement concerning Jesus in John 1:14 - "And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us, (and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father), full of grace and truth." It is time that the Word is made flesh in us as well: just as Jesus contained the complete concept of all that God is in flesh, it is time that that which has been conceptual in our lives, becomes a functioning part of us. Until the Word of God becomes an integral part of our actions as well as our thoughts, so that it becomes our first nature, we will only be theoretical believers. We must go beyond theory to reality! The world has seen and been repulsed by a Church that professes grand concepts while contradicting those with our lives. Just as Jesus, by His life, drew the hurting and oppressed to the Father, so we will draw them as we begin to do that which we have believed. The Word must become flesh in us! The second thing that Jesus declared as being His meat, was finishing the work God had given Him to do. Each of us is created for a purpose. Contrary to some popular teachings, Adam was not solely created to have intimacy with God. He was also created to accomplish a purpose and fulfil a mandate (Genesis 1:26-28). Until we discover our purpose and begin to accomplish that which we were created for, we will remain immature at best. Seek God's purpose for your life and start acting on His revelation! - Steve Thompson |