Pastor Dean Rosin, Christian Fellowship, Tel: (018) 293 1608 Jesus came preaching one message: “Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.” The Word of God clearly teaches that the Kingdom of Heaven (God) is the only Kingdom that will be everlasting. All the kingdoms of the earth will be crushed like dust and be blown away by the wind (Dan. 2:31-35). The righteous will shine like stars in God’s Kingdom, forever and ever. Paul said in Colossians 1:28, that he labours to present every man perfect in Christ. Ask yourself a question: What kind of disciple am I? We all know that one enters the Kingdom of God by becoming born-again. You might be baptized after coming to repentance, be filled with the Holy Spirit, speak in tongues and function in the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Is this kind of believer classified a perfect disciple? I don’t think so! In Matthew 19:16-22 a young ruler asks Jesus what he must do to inherit eternal life. Jesus answered: “Keep the commandments.” To which he replied that he had done so. This man was, you could say, a “perfect disciple”. But Jesus said that if he wanted to be perfect he needed to sell everything he had, give to the poor and come and follow Him! This young man’s priority was his wealth. It was the one thing that made it difficult for him to put God’s Kingdom first. Today it is the same with most believers. Most Christians today are living just like the gentiles in the world, worrying only about their physical lives. Most people are under tremendous financial pressure and so their priority is to worry about how they are going to survive in this world and they do not seek the Kingdom of God first! The very thing that stands in contrast to you seeking God’s Kingdom first is worrying about your physical and material needs (Matt. 6:25-33). That is why Jesus tried to teach that the Father knows what each one’s needs are, even before they ask for them (Matt. 6:8-12). Jesus came to challenge mankind to put God’s Kingdom first and make it the priority of each one’s life. So ask youself another question: Am I willing to pay the price, to accept the challenge, to take up my cross and follow the Master, knowing that He will look after me as I seek His Kingdom first? Do I want to be a perfect disciple or am I content with just being born-again? SPONSORED BY: TG TRADERS |