The message of Christmas is a constant one. In the midst of the ever-changing world, the vacillations of man and the rise and fall of governments, our hearts cry out for stability.
The message of Christmas inseparably involves Christ. Cancel Christ out of Christmas (Xmas) and you are back to the human, the transient, the instability of a decaying world and world systems, accentuated by the excesses of what is called the "Festive Season".
Christless Christmases have been the excuse and reason for more sin, revelry and unrighteousness than is possible to assess. How many lives, characters, homes and friendships have been ruined in the revelries generally indulged in at Christmas-time. The excuse often offered is: "It is only Christmas once a year."
A Christless Christmas is a dangerous and treacherous thing. The true Christmas, with the emphasis on Christ, is a "Joy to the world". In a strife-torn world it is "Peace on earth". Amidst the hatred and distrust between individuals and the peoples of the world, it is "goodwill toward men".
What is most attractive to man about the true Christmas message is its immutability. No season, age, country, tongue or circumstance can change it. Its effectiveness has been proven over a period of more than 2 000 years. It is not seasonal but perennial, not national but international, not selective but universal, not temporary but eternal... To all who believe on Him, the CHRIST of Christmas, He is the LIFE, JOY and PEACE for time and eternity! May your Christmas be Christ-centred, because then it will be a happy Christmas!

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