Dorothea and Erich Reber, a young Swiss couple, visited the USA in Autumn 2002. Dorothea was pregnant, so they were both worried when she started suffering strong stomach pains after drinking something. She was unable to eat for days, and then had a severe migraine. Her condition deteriorated, and they were about to go to hospital when Erich suddenly had the impression that he should switch on the TV. "At first, I wondered what my wife would say when I told her that God told me to switch on the TV at midnight! But I did it," he said. "We saw a well-known TV evangelist," related Dorothea, "and the first person he prayed for stood up out of his wheelchair - but I thought, 'not everyone in a wheelchair is paralysed'. After my first critical thought, the evangelist suddenly turned to the camera, saying 'A woman named Dorothea is watching! You're watching the programme for the first time. You have severe stomach pains and a migraine. God will now touch you and heal you!' And so it was - the pains left me that night, and I could eat again," she said. Source: Friday Fax via Joel News 425 |