LUKE 11:9-10: "Knock and it shall be opened unto you. And to him that knocketh it shall be opened." One Sunday evening, as I was spending some time with my wife, I shared with her that the Holy Spirit reminded me of how I had treated some people while working for a certain company. As we shared communion that night, I lifted up the cup and asked the Lord to forgive me for placing some people under great pressure because of fear. A sudden peace came over me as I drank from the cup and I felt the healing power of Jesus flowing into my soul and spirit. Two weeks later, a man approached me in church and said, "Do you remember me?" I said, "I remember your face, but I can't recall who you are." He was one of those people who worked for me in that company.
If you have been wounded by someone, then your heart will remain closed because of unforgiveness. This man experienced a release in his life because I had asked the Lord for "forgiveness".
MATTHEW 6:12 - "Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors." Forgiveness is the extension of God's own heart of compassion that removes demonic rights to our hearts. Look on those who have wounded you with compassion in the same way that God sees them, and ask the Lord to forgive both yourself and them. Then you forgive them. Christ suffered and died for the forgiveness of our sins.
MATTHEW 26:28 - "This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins." Forgiveness is giving away the right to get even with others.
A young woman living in California was picked up for speeding. She was ticketed and taken before the judge. The judge read off the citation and said, "Guilty or not guilty?" The woman replied, "Guilty." The judge brought down the gavel and fined her $100 or ten days in prison.
Then an amazing thing took place. The judge stood up, took off his billfold, and paid the fine. What was the explanation? The judge was her father. He loved his daughter; yet he was a just judge. His daughter had broken the law and he could not simply say to her, "Because I love you so much, I forgive you. You may leave." If he had done that, he wouldn't have been a righteous judge. He wouldn't have upheld the law. But he loved his daughter so much that he was willing to take off his judicial robe and come down in front and represent her as her father and pay the fine.
This woman was not only feeling guilty, but also unworthy when she recognized her father as the judge. Remember, you are precious in the sight of the Lord, for you are a handmade original! This incident illuminates what Jesus did on the cross in order to solve the problem God had in dealing with the sin of humanity.
JOHN 10:9 - "Jesus said, 'I am the Door'."
If you are feeling guilty and unworthy like the woman mentioned above, take heart and invite Jesus into your heart. Pray the following prayer: "Lord Jesus, I need You. Thank You for dying on the cross for me. Please forgive me and cleanse me. From this moment I will trust you as my Saviour and Lord. Make me the type of person You created me to be. Amen."
REV 5:9 - "And they sang a new song: 'You are worthy to take the scroll and to open the seals, because You were slain, and with Your blood You purchased men for God from every tribe and language and people and nation'."
Praise the Lord! He is worthy to take the book and open the seals!

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