You may be surprised to know that more Christians died for Christ in the 20th Century than in all previous 19 centuries combined.
The Christian World Encyclopedia calculated that at least 28 million Christians had been martyred in the 20th Century. The total martyrs since A.D. 33 was calculated at 43 million (i.e. 28 million in the 20th Century vs. 15 million in all the other centuries after Christ!)
The aim of persecution is not to kill Christians as such. There is no victory to the kingdom of darkness when Christians go to Heaven. The aim of persecution is to intimidate Chris-tians into silence. If the devil cannot stop us being converted, he at least wants to divert us and distract us so that we are not effective in fulfilling the Great Commission and winning other souls to Christ. As long as you refuse to be intimidated into silence, persecution fails.

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