MR. SPURGEON used to tell how, after one of his services, when he had returned to his vestry, he found an Irishman awaiting him. The Irishman, who dearly liked an argument, began at once. "Now, Reverend, I've come to ask you a question. I've been to my own Pastor but I'm not satisfied with his answer." "Well, what is your question?" "Just this: God is just, and if He be just, must punish my sins. I deserve to be punished, yet you say, He is merciful and will forgive my sins. I cannot see how that is right. God has no right to do that. He ought to be just, and punish those who deserve it. Tell me how you can make out that God can be just and yet be merciful." Mr. Spurgeon saw that behind the smiling face there really was an honest concern to find the way of salvation, so he began to explain thus: "Now, Pat, suppose you had been killing a man, and the judge had said, That Irishman must hang!" "It would be what I deserved," the Irishman said. "But, Pat, suppose I was very fond of you, can you see any way by which I could save you from being hanged?" "No, sir, I cannot." "Then suppose I went to the very highest judicial authorities in the land, and said: Please, Sirs, I am very fond of this Irishman. I think the judge was quite right in saying that he must be hanged, but let me be hanged instead. Now they would not agree to my proposal, because it is contrary to law – but just suppose they should have hanged me instead of you, do you think the law would take you up afterwards?" He at once said, "No, I should think not; they would not meddle with me, because another man has paid the price for my misconduct. You can't hang two people for the same thing, can you?" "Ah, Pat, my friend, you have hit it exactly; that is the way whereby we are saved! God must punish sin. Christ said: My Father, let Me bear the sentence instead of the sinners! And His Father did ! God laid on His beloved Son, Jesus Christ, the whole burden of our sins, and all their punishment. And now that Christ has paid the penalty instead of us, God would not be just if He were to punish any sinner who believes on the Lord Jesus Christ. If you believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, you are saved, and you may go on your way rejoicing and full of hope." - Emergency Post.

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