I received Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour in 1977. I have not maintained my faith through all the years and stumbled many times. In July 1993 the Lord awakened me early one morning with my body being totally electrified by the power of the Holy Spirit. This intense presence remained upon me for about a minute, then slowly lifted. From then on I studied the Lord’s Word with more passion than ever before. In August 1993 a distant relative phoned me to tell me that the Lord was preparing me for ministry. At that time I did not believe this to be possible as my very nature and character is one that is insecure and introverted.
Almost 10 years later, at the end of April 2002, I had a dream after which I was awakened by the Lord. I put the dream into writing. I knew that the dream was prophetic, because it had been so absolutely clear. I have been having dreams all my life, but never with such detail and clarity. The content of the dream suggested that I would bring many people into the Kingdom of God during the years 2002 and 2003. At the time I still had no idea of just how that would come to pass. However, I continued to have another 4 prophetic dreams in May and June 2002.
Then, early one morning (2 a.m. on 26 June 2002) things started to make sense. The Lord spoke to me in my spirit and revealed to me that He would use me to fulfil His plan of salvation in the days that lay ahead. He also told me that just like John the Baptist, I should warn the people of South Africa of the soon return of our Lord Jesus Christ. I know God has been preparing many other “John the Baptists” like myself, around South Africa and the world to fulfil His plan for 2003. As a result I placed a large A3 size advert in many newspapers throughout South Africa with the heading “REPENT, FOR THE KINGDOM OF GOD IS AT HAND.” Many mocked this warning, including many well-known leaders of large congregations and I now know why. These are the Pharisees that Jesus referred to, full of pride, puffed up with knowledge but not having a true heart for the poor, the hungry, the widows and the orphans. They talk much about tithing, but neglect more important things. They also believe that if Jesus were coming, they would be the first ones to know, not accepting that God could be working in the humble members of their congregations. They have even despised the word of true prophets of God and in some cases thrown them out of their churches. Just like the Pharisees in the time of Christ, who rejected the true Messiah, being born as a Child to humble parents like Mary and Joseph, even today some are blinded to the knowledge of His imminent return! These leaders need to REPENT as judgment is about to begin in the house of God. As a result of everything that the Lord has shown me during 2002, together with the feedback I have received from other people who read my adverts and to whom God has also been revealing dreams and visions about disasters to come, I believe with all my heart that the return of Jesus Christ is so close! My spirit is yearning to be caught up to meet Him in the air. Even Benny Hinn, a well-known evangelist with a heart for God, made a statement on TBN at the beginning of 2003: “This is the year of biblical prophetic fulfilment!” At the end of one of his programmes, he made the following statement: “I know that I know, that I know, that I know and I know and many of you also know that you know, that you know, that 2003 is going to be a year of Power and fulfilment of God’s prophetic word!”
It was comforting for me to see another great man of God that agrees with what the Lord has shown me. I encourage readers to seriously prepare for the imminent return of our Lord Jesus Christ and to warn everyone around them to do so as well. Time is running out very, very, very fast! The Body of Christ will experience a short season of much hardship soon, but hold fast to your faith because the race is very close to its end, when we shall meet our Lord Who will reward us for our faithfulness.
Final note: I encourage everyone to try and watch Benny Hinn’s programmes on DSTV channel 103 every day if possible, because the Lord has told him to reveal little bits of information as to what is about to take place in the world in the days that lie ahead. The programmes are Monday to Friday at 8:30, 13:30 and 21:30. You will be thoroughly blessed!
[Bill Anderson, 083 490 6865]

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