Last year the Lord said to me, "You are going to sing a new song" (Psalm 98:1) - a song of HOPE!
Although you may have experienced some challenging situations during 2008, yet there is so much that you can be thankful for: God's good works and victory in your life!
I believe that the Church will be leading the way with worship and the reaping of end-time miracles during 2009. Luke 11:9 "SEEK and ye shall find."
After Christ's crucifixion, Mary Magdalene left her house. As she drew near to the tomb, she noticed that the stone in front of the tomb was rolled away.
John 20:13 "The two angels said unto Mary, 'Why weepest thou?'
'Because they have taken away my Lord and I know not where they have laid Him'."
Mary came SEEKING for the body of Jesus and now she had come to a dead end.
A youth pastor in a church loved the people and was shocked to be voted out by the congregation. He was deeply hurt and could not understand why circumstances so easily destroyed his HOPE. The following day he was asked to preach the next Sunday, as the senior pastor was unexpectedly called out of town, and there was nobody else available.
He thought about getting even by using the pulpit, but instead he rather followed God's grace than his hurt feelings of disappointment.
He decided to teach the Word and love the people. Two years later he became the senior pastor of that church! Whatever you may be going through, HOPE in Christ and not in your circumstances.
Psalm 39:7 "And now Lord, what wait I for? My HOPE is in Thee."
John 20:15: "Jesus said unto Mary, 'Why weepest thou? Whom SEEKEST thou for?'"
Jesus was right behind Mary Magdalene all the time, the One Who had delivered her from seven demons, and Whom she had seen perform many miracles.
SEIZE THIS MOMENT! Do not allow the slightest setback or disappointment to shatter you, but HOPE, and live by FAITH and not by sight.
John 20:17-18: "Jesus said unto Mary, 'Go to My brothers and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father and your Father and to My God and your God.' "
Jesus said to Mary that God the Father is her God, and she need not feel insecure. God the Father is your God too, and you need not fear or feel HOPELESS!
Mary Magdalene came and told the disciples that she had seen the Lord, and she now had a revelation of Jesus as the Risen Lord.
Psalm 37:7: "My HOPE is in You."
There is an old gospel song that we used to sing:
Somebody's here and I know it is Jesus.
Somebody's here and I know it's the Lord. He's a miracle-working God. He's a miracle-working God. He is a wonder. He is a miracle. He's a miracle-working God.
When you have a revelation of Who Jesus Christ is, then you will desire to SEEK Him continuously, for the promise is that you will find Him. As long as king Uzziah SOUGHT the Lord, God made him prosper (2 Chron. 26:5)!

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