France is one of the least evangelized countries in the world!
With a population of over 60 million people, there are only 1 916 (in 2006) Evangelical Churches in the entire country.
The occult is rampant in France: Statistics show that mediums, faith healers and fortune-tellers earn as much money as medical doctors. There are more registered occult workers in France than pastors (50 000 vs. 35 000).
An estimated 10 million people pay around $40 billion (per year) for occult consultations, 3 times the amount paid to their family doctors.
Of the 36 551 towns / villages / cities, the vast majority (35 000) are without an Evangelical Church.
It is estimated that less than 1% of the French are born again. An extremely high percentage (19.76%) of people are listed as non-religious (= 11.6 million).
French Evangelicals are such a minority on a national scale that they are often viewed as cults.

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