The Scotch patriot, Robert Bruce, was once hiding in the mountains from the forces of King Edward of England, when he heard the baying of bloodhounds. Bruce suddenly recognized the baying as that of his own dogs. His English enemies had put them on his track, sure that they would lead straight to their owner. Although worn out from hardships and lack of food, the Scotch patriot rose up at once and fled as rapidly as possible. But in vain: only one end seemed possible. The baying dogs came closer and closer. The fugitive was at the point of despair when suddenly he came upon a brook. Quickly he entered the water and walked downstream. Shortly afterward the dogs were at the bank. The tone of the barking changed as they worked upstream and down without finding the continuation of the trail. Bruce was thus able to elude his enemies because the dogs were unable to find the trail under the water. Surely this is a picture of the sinner. Robert Bruce’s own hounds were his pursuers. The sinner is pursued by his sins. Every man’s own sins are sure to track him down and destroy him. What to do? There is only one way in which the guilty sinner can be saved from the judgment of God. He must hide himself in the current that flows from Calvary! There JESUS CHRIST paid with His own BLOOD in order to freely offer pardon to every sinner. The bloodhounds of sin are at your heels – but here is hope for you. God loves you! “The blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin” (1 John 1:7). – Missionary Norman Lewis, in The Sword of the Lord. |