“…Praise Him, O ye servants of the LORD. Ye that stand in the house of the LORD, in the courts of the house of our God” (Psalm 135:1, 2).
What a privilege to stand in praise before the LORD! It seems to me that today we are always rushing; we cannot stand still. So many things claim our attention that we are perpetually on the go. We cannot stop for a moment. But he who is spiritual knows how to stand still. He can stand before God in worship while God makes known to him His will. He can pause and await orders.
May I ask you, dear fellow-Christian, is not all your work carried out to a schedule? And is it not to be done in great haste?
Can you be persuaded to call a halt and stand a while before HIM in praise?
You will learn much that way and be richly blessed!
[A Table in the Wilderness, Watchman Nee, Victory Press, Great Britain, 1974].

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