We should internalize the truth that life with all its experiences is a golden opportunity of learning to love. The lesson is set for us: “Thou shalt love”; “As I have loved you, that ye also love one another.” Our goal should be to master this lesson. We are not in this world just to get rich, to gain power, to become learned in the arts and sciences, to build up a great business, or to do large things in any line. We are not here only to get along in our daily work, in our shops, or schools, or homes, or on our farms. We are not here to only preach the Gospel, to comfort those in sorrow, to visit the sick, and perform deeds of charity. All of these, or any of these, may be among our duties, and they may fill our hands. But in all our occupations the real business of life, that which we should always strive to do, the work which must go on in all our experiences - if we grasp life's true meaning at all - is to learn to LOVE, and to grow loving in disposition and character. We may learn the finest arts of life - music, painting, sculpture, poetry, or may master the noblest sciences, or by means of reading, study, travel, and conversing with refined people, may attain the best culture. But if in all this we do not learn to LOVE, and become more gentle in spirit and act, we have missed the main purpose of living. If in the midst of all our duties, cares, trials, joys, sorrows we are not day by day growing in sweetness, in gentleness, in patience, in meekness, in unselfishness, in thoughtfulness, and in all the branches of LOVE, we are not learning the greatest lesson set for us by our Master in this School of LIFE! |