"Kampuchea for Christ" was founded in 1995 by Aaron Lee and his wife Randa, who survived Cambodia's Killing Fields. Pol Pot, the feared Communist dictator, took over Kampuchea in 1975 and sent the entire population to collective work camps which were nothing more than slave labour camps in which some 3 million people died in four years. Lee was in one such camp, and on one occasion, was the next in a line of people to be executed when the guards were called away for some reason. He managed to escape into the jungle, where he met a Christian who told him about Jesus. Lee decided to follow Christ on the spot, and started leading others to Christ even while fleeing towards the Thai border. On arrival in the Thai refugee camp, he and others founded a Christian church which grew to 35 000 members in 6 months. While there, he met Randa, his future wife, who had been through similar experiences. In 1991, they returned to Cambodia from the US to preach the gospel to their nation. They were imprisoned several times, because the Cambodian government still held a Communist/ atheist ideology. However, doors opened ever wider for them. The Lees were later able to speak with Cambodia's King Norodom Sihanouk and Prime Minister Hun Sen. In December 1999, the Prime Minister allowed a "Jesus Millennium Celebration" in a football stadium, attended by 50 000. During the event, traditional Cambodian music and dance was used to illustrate the Gospel, with the result that 7 000 people decided to become Christians. The General Manager of the leading national television station was so impressed that he invited Lee to speak to 7 million viewers at Christmas. "Through Lee's work, some 2 000 Christian groups have been formed in the country," according to the American support organisation Christian Aid Mission. Last year, 4 000 people decided to become Christians, of which 434 were baptized. Source: and Friday Fax |