My name is Arnold Kandiwa. I came to South Africa in 2009. I left Zimbabwe, where I was working in a butchery at the time. Things got worse in that country, and I lost my job. My brother was already living in South Africa, so I decided to come to South Africa, since there was no work in Zimbabwe.

I arrived at Beitbridge Border Station. I paid money to cross the border. However, people were dishonest. They took my money, but then cut my trousers and held me back so that I could not reach South Africa. Fortunately, we could cross the border through another fence.

Circumstances grew even worse. When we crossed the border, we came to a nearby petrol station. A South African man saw us. He offered to take us to Musina for a fare of R100. We told him that we could not afford it. He was actually asking us too much. Still, he then dropped us at Musina.

I was not a Christian at that time. A woman was selling 'pap'. I asked her for something to eat. Another man gave us cigarettes to sell so that we could survive. The packets of cigarettes were soon finished and our money also. I soon met another man who attended a high school in Zimbabwe near the place where I had worked. Being desperate and hopeless, we started drinking...

We were hoping to reach Johan-nesburg to find a job. While we waited, we slept there on the ground. I recalled that when I was in Zimbabwe, I realized that something was missing from my life. I knew I had to call upon the Name of the Lord. I used to go to church. My parents used to tell us to go. But we eventually as young men just wanted to play and frequently skipped church. But I remembered my parents telling us that when we were in trouble, we had to call upon the Name of the Lord. So I told my friends, "We need to pray".

I prayed to the Lord to help me get a job and reach my brother in Potchefstroom. Later on, the second day, we started walking along the road. We tried to hike, but no one wanted to give us a lift. Then I just decided to kneel down and pray - right there in the road. And the Lord helped me!

It was late and we spent another night on the road. In the morning, I prayed again and we got a lift to Johannesburg. I later reached Potchefstroom. Once there, I went to Chris Hani Street every day to look for work, but I couldn't find any job.

One day, tired and hungry, I was walking down the street. A small paper, nestled in the branches of a tree, caught my attention. It was called the "Good News". I started reading.

There were two verses that impacted me. The first was Mark 10:43. I remember it so well! It said, "But so shall it not be among you: but whosoever will be great among you, shall be your servant". So if you want to be great, you must be a servant.

The next verse was John 6:35 - "And Jesus said unto them, I am the Bread of Life: he that cometh to Me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on Me shall never thirst." I then started thinking, "What should I do? How should I change?"

This was the first verse I talked about at home to my wife, the one about Jesus being the Bread of Life. Everywhere I met someone, I was telling them about this verse! "If anyone is thirsty, let them come to Me."

Every day, for the next three months, I read those two verses. I felt such a peace when I read them! I thought, "Why do you go out and drink when you are not satisfied with life?" I was being convicted by these two verses of Scripture and realized I that I had to change.

Some time later, I went to some shops to buy milk. There I met a lady, Elizabeth Hamman. She asked me, "Where do you come from?" I told her, "From Zimbabwe". She replied, "My mom likes people from Zimbabwe." She took my phone number and said that her mom would call me. Tannie Marietjie Hamman did call me. She invited me for a cup of coffee. I was still jobless at the time. She told me that she wanted to help me. She asked me a lot of questions. She asked whether I was a Christian. I was looking for a church at that time. She invited me to their Home Church. There I told them about those verses that I had read in the "Good News", and that since reading them, I started thinking about going to church.

Marietjie asked me if I really understood what it meant to be a Christian. I didn't know anything. I realised that one can easily say that you are a Christian without knowing what it really means. She offered me a job as a gardener. Later on, I worked for different people: Tannie Christelle, Oom Jan, and Tannie Marietjie. I thus had a job for 3 days a week at R100 per day. I was so thankful for this means of livelihood!

I remember that when I started reading my Bible, I read Matthew 6:33 - "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." I was so thankful for my new job and church! Tannie Marietjie kept helping me and teaching me. I asked her to tell me more. She read verses from the Bible and taught me from Scripture. For example, she referred to John 12:24 - "Verily, verily, I say unto you, except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit." She taught me that if you wanted to be a disciple of Christ, you must count the cost. I kept on going to church and sincerely appreciated Tannie Marietjie's help, guidance and teaching.

Later on, I was born again in that Mission Church. Whilst coming to church, I met several different people. I was offered two more days of garden work per week. I was so thankful to the Lord for providing me a means to survive!

Since reading those verses the first time, I was looking for new editions of the "Good News". I sometimes got hold of other editions. I also remember reading the story about a man who was sitting outside the church with torn shoes, but who was helped and welcomed into the fellowship of other Christians.

The "Good News" really helped and encouraged me! I came across Afrikaans and Tswana articles, which I did not understand, but the English articles were understandable. I like to read these stories! How they built my faith and helped me persevere!

Glory to God for using the "Good News" as a powerful instrument in my life and those of many others! May you be blessed!

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