Ezekiel 20:40 says that we should bring to the Lord our firstfruits, the choicest selections of all our offerings. To stay in perfect peace, we should give God the best of our time and our goods. We must be honest with ourselves about what our priorities really are and start making changes that will enable us to keep God in first place.

Being too busy is not an acceptable excuse for not staying focused on what is truly important. Everyone sets his or her own schedule. We need to establish boundaries, and we need to learn to say NO when people ask us to do something that leads us away from peace.

Be honest with yourself as you examine how you spend your time. Do not give God your leftovers; do not give Him the part of your day when you are worn out and you cannot think straight or keep your eyes open. Give God the firstfruits of your attention. Give Him the best part of your day!

God needs to be your priority in everything you do. From getting dressed to setting your schedule, you can ask God for wisdom to make choices that will glorify Him. You can inter-mingle your time with God into everything you do to such a degree that you can pray without ceasing by praying your way through your day. As you become aware of His Presence, it will not be possible to separate secular activities from sacred ones. Even ordinary events will become sacred because He is involved in them.

You can just talk to God as you go about your day, asking Him to direct you in the choices you are making and to empower you for the jobs you need to get done. As you acknowledge that God is always with you, you will keep Him first in everything you set out to do, and He will show you a direct path that will lead you to peace. You will experience great pleasure in your life, knowing you are keeping God first and thereby partnering with Him in everything you do!

[The Everyday Life Bible, Notes and Commentary by Joyce Meyer, Faith Words, New York, 2006]

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