Pastor Dawn McKenzie Water of Life Ministries Klerksdorp I truly believe that God is calling His Church to a time of Fasting and Praying. It is time to seek God’s face, it is time to repent and turn from our wicked ways, and it is time to take God more seriously and to take sin and the results of sin more seriously. Do you remember the story about Ananias and Sapphira as recounted in Acts 5:1-11? They both lied to God’s servant and were struck down by God. I believe that God will deal very strictly and severely with people in these last days because so many Christians who should know better, are playing around with sin while God is calling us to turn from sin! In His love and mercy, God is calling His Church to repentance. He is calling us to get down on our knees before Him and weep with bitter tears. He wants us to open up our hearts and allow His fire to purge us of the chaff and the evil in our lives. This is not the time to fall back, this is not the time to feel sorry for yourself because someone has hurt you so badly that you want to walk away from God. This is the time my friend, to press on, to stand up for Jesus and to rea-lize that this is only one of the snares that Satan is using to keep you away from God so that you can end up with him - lost for all eternity! In Jude 1:3 we are told to “earnestly contend for the faith”. If we are prepared to cleanse ourselves and repent before God, then God has promised to manifest His power greatly to us and as repentance comes, the Lord has promised a time of refreshing followed by great restoration. “What is true repentance?”, you may ask. It is a changing of our hearts and our minds and submitting to the discipline of God. God says, “Come out from among them, be separate and touch not any unclean thing.” For too long we have played around with the world and the ways of the world. For too long we have vowed ourselves to worldly ways. God is so ready to open up the windows of heaven and to pour out His blessings upon us - blessings way beyond anything we could ever imagine or even dream of. But God is waiting for our repentant hearts. Let this be “YOUR DAY”! Let this be the day you decide to call on His holy Name, to fall down on your face and repent, turn away from your old ways, your old ha-bits. Let this be the day of turning into a “New Way.” God has promised that He will “always cause us to triumph in Christ” (1 Cor. 2:14). |