We know that 80% of the town of Meulaboh in Aceh was destroyed by the Tsunami waves of December 2004 and 80% of the people also died. This is one of the towns that was the hardest hit.
But there is a fantastic testi-mony from Meulaboh. There were about 400 Christians in that town . They wanted to celebrate Christmas on 25 December but were not allowed to do so by the Muslims of Meulaboh. They were told that if they wanted to celebrate Christmas they needed to go outside the city of Meulaboh on a high hill to celebrate it there.
So they left the city on 25 December and after they celebrated Christmas they stayed there overnight. As we all know, on the morning of Sunday, 26 December 2004, there was the earthquake followed by the Tsunami waves, destroying most of the city of Meulaboh. Thousands were killed. The 400 believers were on the mountain and were all saved from destruction! Now the Muslims of Meulaboh are saying that the God of the Christians punished them for forbidding the Christians from celebrating Christmas in the city. Others are questioning why so many Muslims died while not even one of the Christians died there.
Had the Christians insisted on their rights to celebrate Christ-mas in the city, they would have all died. But because they humbled themselves and obeyed the authorities, they were all spared from destruc-tion and can now testify of God's marvellous protection!
This is a testimony of the grace of God and the fact that as believers we have no rights in this world. Our right is to come before God and commit our lives to Him. Our right is kneeling down before the Lord Almighty and committing our ways to Him. He is our Father and is very capable to care for His children. Praise the Name of the Lord!

Pastor Bill Hekman
Calvary Life Fellowship in Indonesia
http://www.expat.or.id/orgs/ calvarylifefellowship.html

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