The demonic army was so large that it stretched as far as I could see. It was separated into divisions, with each carrying a different banner. The foremost divisions marched under the banners of Pride, Selfrighteousness, Respectability, Selfish Ambition, Unrighteous Judgment, and Jealousy. There were many more of these evil divisions beyond my scope of vision, but those in the van-guard of these terrible hordes from hell seemed to be the most powerful. The weapons carried by this horde were also named. The swords were named Intimidation; the spears were named Treachery; and the arrows were named Accusation, Gossip, Slander and Faultfinding. Scouts and smaller companies of demons with such names as Rejection, Bitterness, Impa-tience, Unforgiveness and Lust were sent in advance of this army to prepare for the main attack. These smaller companies and scouts were much fewer in number, but they were no less powerful than some of the larger divisions that followed. They were smaller only for strategic reasons. Just as John the Baptist was a single man, but was given an extraordinary anointing for baptizing the masses to prepare them for the Lord, these smaller demonic companies were given extraordinary evil powers for "baptizing the masses". A single demon of Bitterness could sow his poison into multitudes of people, even entire races or cultures. A demon of Lust would attach himself to a single performer, movie, or even advertisement, and send what appeared to be bolts of electric slime that would hit and "desensitize" great masses of people. All of this was to prepare for the great horde of evil which followed. This army was marching specifically against the Church, but it was attacking everyone that it could. I knew that it was seeking to pre-empt a coming move of God which was destined to sweep masses of people into the Church. The primary strategy of this army was to cause division on every possible level of relationship - churches with each other, congregations with their pas-tors, husbands and wives, children and parents, and even children with each other. The scouts were sent to locate the openings in churches, families or individuals that Rejection, Bitterness, Lust, etc. could exploit and make larger. Then the following divisions would pour through the openings to completely overcome their victims. The most shocking part of this vision was that this horde was not riding on horses, but primarily on Christians! Most of them were well-dressed, respec-table, and had the appearance of being refined and educated, but there also seemed to be repre-sentatives from almost every walk of life. These people professed Christian truths in order to appease their conscien-ces, but they lived their lives in agreement with the powers of darkness! It was clear that the power of the demons was rooted almost entirely in the power of deception, but they had deceived these Christians to the point where they could use them and they would think that they were being used by God! This was because banners of Self-righteousness were being carried by almost all of the individuals so that those marching, could not even see the banners that marked the true nature of these divisions. As I looked far to the rear of this army I saw the entourage of the Accuser himself. I began to understand his strategy, and I was amazed that it was so simple. He knows that a house divided cannot stand, and this army represented an attempt to bring such division to the Church that she would completely fall from grace. It was apparent that the only way Satan could do this was to use Christians to war against their own brethren, and that is why almost everyone in the forward divisions were Christians, or at least professing Christians. Every step that these deceived believers took in obedience to the Accuser, strengthened his power over them. This made his confidence and the confidence of all his commanders grow with the progress of the army as it marched forward. It was apparent that the power of this army depended on the agreement of these Christians with the ways of evil! [Extracts from "The Final Quest" by Rick Joyner, Whitaker House, 1996]. |