When I was a son with my father… he taught me and said: "Your heart must hold on to my words" (Proverbs 4:3-4). Some of you reading these lines may not have had the benefits of a good or extensive education. You may be deficient in your know-ledge of many things. But here is the encouraging thing - none of these issues are important when it comes to the matter of defeating Satan.
I remember being present some years ago in a church in South Wales when a debate was held between a university professor and an ordinary coal miner. The subject was: "Is the Bible true?". The university professor presented his arguments in a clear fashion, and I remember feeling quite sorry for the miner as I envisaged some of the difficulties he might face when making his reply. After the professor had finished, the miner stood to his feet. And for over an hour, I wit-nessed one of the most amazing demonstrations of the Holy Spirit at work that I have ever seen in my entire life.
The miner began by asking everyone to bow their heads as he prayed a prayer which went something like this: "Lord, I have not had much education, but You know that I love Your Word and have spent my life searching its pages. Help me now to say something that will convince my friends here that Your Word is true." He then proceeded to demolish the arguments of the professor simply by quoting appropriate Scriptures without even a simple comment.
When he had finished, there was a thunderous applause. The pro-fessor's well-articulated, highly intellectual arguments had been torn to pieces by the sharp edges of the Sword of the Spirit - by that and by that alone! Prayer: O Father, the more I hear of Your Word, the more I want to hear. For I was created by Your Word, designed according to Your Word, and I can never remain content until I am indwelt with Your Word. Teach me even more. Amen.
[From: Everyday with Jesus Bible, with devotions by Selwyn Hughes, Holman Bible Publishers, 2004].

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