"In the endless discussions about tithing, giving, money, budgets, and financial crises in our insti-tutions, we have to realize that in the Kingdom of God it is not the amount that we have on hand that counts, but whether or not the need and our giving are truly matching with the interests of the King," writes Guy Muse, a missionary to Ecuador.
"When Jesus blessed the five loaves and two fish, there were more than enough to feed 5 000 men. Money in true Kingdom Ministry works in the same way. It has nothing to do with the amount of money we have, and everything to do with God assigning value to our 'copper coins'." "Month after month I watch in amazement as fellow servants engaged in all-out service to the King, have their needs provided for by the Lord with dollar amounts that normally would cover a week's expenses, and yet, somehow, the money stretches to cover the entire month," says Muse. "I have seen countless times in house church gatherings where there was food in the pot for maybe 7 - 10 people; yet 20 ate their fill with leftovers to take home. I will never forget at a baptism celebration, watching a 2-litre soda shared amongst believers stretching for an entire church of 20+ adults and children to all have a cool drink. Over the years, we have received modest monetary gifts for the Ministry that bore tenfold fruit in relation to the amounts given." Source: Guy Muse, Joel News International 721, March 2010. |