After being part of an historic day of prayer at Olënpark on 1 May 2003, I am convinced of one thing - the Church can if it wants to! It was God-glorifying to see what took place. The participation of each individual, different denominations, Christians from our surrounding towns, all showing the unity of the Church and declaring Jesus Christ as Lord. For too long the Church has been silent. It has allowed abortion, the decay of our society and the abuse of God’s Name on TV. It is time for the Church, God’s corporate Body, each individual Christian, to rise up and stand for God’s truth; to declare Jesus Christ to the world. We can make a difference in this world if we want to! We have it all! The promises of God, His authority and anointing, His mandate, hope, truth, our glorious inheritance! It is time Church, for us to make a difference! Yesterday, while driving in the car, I smiled at a man. His face lit up as he smiled back. We can make a difference! I believe that if the Church would begin to love one another the way Christ showed us, reach out and care for others, we will experience God’s miracle-working power in the Church again. Let’s stop being superficial Christians and become true disciples of Christ! Let’s love each other, care for one another. I urge each Christian to take up the challenge and make a difference in this town. You can if you really want to! In conclusion, I share with you the message of Transformation that was given to the schools in this town. "Transformation means that our light will shine, that we will be the salt of the earth and be messengers of hope, that from our youth until we are old, we will realize that we were called to be His light in this world and that we will never exchange that light for the world’s. Transformation is the inspiration of God to help us find our purpose for living to His glory." God bless you as you make a difference! Sponsored by: TG TRADERS |