"Commit thy works unto the Lord, and thy thoughts shall be established" (Proverbs 16:3).
"Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind" (Romans 12:1).
The mind has been likened to a room where visitors are entertained. All visitors to one’s threefold being come first into the mind. Thoughts are the most common visitors. They enter the mind, take root, and then possess the whole man. When a thought knocks at the door of your mind and is admitted and entertained, it produces a variety of reactions. FEAR dashes into the mind and captures us and holds us prisoner.
PASSION enters the mind. It is entertained for a while, but later possesses the whole being and leads to sin and shame.
ANXIETY and NERVOUSNESS appear, drive off rest and keep us sleepless all night.
DOUBT - full of death as hell itself - let in and consulted with blows out every light and fills the room with darkness.
TROUBLE - many-faced, many-sided, big and squatty - will fill the mind, stay all day, and return in the morning by the time you open your eyes.
CARES - weighing a thousand kilograms each - come to unload in the room.
The old SELF, under God’s judgment and refusing to die, wants to stay around all the time. It has a ready sword of protection and pitying attendants on hand if it is hit, wounded, slighted, or knocked down. SELF wants the best chair in the mind and the most attention: notwithstanding the fact that it is the most unwholesome visitor. SELF is under God’s everlasting curse; yet it continues to lurk around, lavishing selfish thoughts.
Thank God there is a way of deliverance from these tormen-ting thoughts. The way is through the precious blood of the Lamb of God once slain. The spotless Lamb of God has shed His most precious blood for you, to cleanse and cover and keep you, not only from sin and sickness, but also in mind, from torment and distrac-tions as well!
[From: "Daybreak"]

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