Christo Venter Daunting. Exciting. Novel. Overwhelming. A new beginning... All these phrases may be true for a new season in one's life. In my case, it describes the astounding opportunity and extraordinary privilege to have been selected as a postdoctoral research fellow of the Goddard Space Flight Center of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), situated in a Maryland suburb outside Washington, DC, called Greenbelt. After many years of studying Astrophysics (along with Mathematics, Computer Science, and other subjects) at the North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, it was a giant personal milestone to finally conclude my days as student and graduate from my Alma Mater. This recent graduation further-more led to the incredible prospect of conducting Astro-physical research in the US at one of the world's leading "space institutes". Although some may view this as the crowning achievement of many years of study, struggle and effort, it is so much more… When I first received the joyous news of having been selected for a NASA postdoc, I was struck by God's perfect timing. Thinking about one's life, "understanding it backwards" by reminiscing and musing over the past, suddenly one realizes how every gentle nudge was part of God's bigger plan. Divinely planned experiences, conversations, role models, media, innermost desires and ambitions, a whole array of events suddenly come into perspective and make sense in the context of what is achieved, and what is yet to come. Extrapolating from God's wondrous involvement and interest in one insignificant life, one can only glean inspiration and confidence for the future! God has never forsaken His own, and never will! I take cognisance of the fact that if I wasn't at the right place at the right time, surrounded by the right people, and taking hold of the right op-portuni-ties, so much promise of beauty and fruit-fulness may have been lost. Even a small navigational error may cause the ship of life to drift into fatal oblivion. May God grant each of us the craving to seek His will continually, the humility to truly listen, and the courage to obey completely! May He enlighten and revitalize our spirits with His glorious vision for our lives. Our obedience to our Heavenly Father's guidance is inextricably linked with fulfilling our ultimate purpose in life. Unique and life-changing purpose is the fundamental and essential compass for our lives. It is often hidden from us in our everyday hustle, and becomes clearer during periods of waiting upon God by prayerful discovery. Slowly but surely, God will reveal His magnificent dream for one's life to those who take time to ask and are prepared to act. Ever unfolding, as a maturing youngster, this purpose becomes clearer with time, as piece by piece the jigsaw of our life starts to make more sense. Even though some pieces don't fit immediately, we have to trustfully recognize that we only need to see the next step of our way if we hold fast to the Hand of our loving Father. This progressive understanding will only be complete once we "know fully, as we are known fully", with the advantage of an eternal viewpoint! Without the vital knowledge of God's will, we will lose our vitality and zeal to impact our sphere of existence. The great truth is that God is more interested in our being than our doing; and in our becoming than our being. This philosophy gives us the right to derive meaning from the most mundane and menial tasks - because we have the opportunity to impact lives, grow closer to God, and use our circumstances to bring glory to Him. God can use glamorous and attention-catching endeavours, but also simple projects; the key to create lasting effect - fruit that will endure - is obedience. And this presupposes effective, patient listening via a vibrant prayer life. May God grant us ever better spiritual hearing and understanding! Studying God's superb burning stars that light up the night sky, or the great waves of the sea, plants, animals, or human behaviour, we are amazed at the universal order and wisdom that speak to us from creation. But we are even more amazed by the amazing grace of God, bowing down to sinful creatures of dust, who have fallen so far from God's immaculate original vision, and extending His lifting Hand to us in Christ Jesus. Fruitful, impacting, focused lives resounding into eternity begins with the simple act of faith and trust to make Christ our personal Saviour and Companion, and then becoming an ardent follower of Him Who leads us through many dark and ominous days to the eternal dawn of His intimate and everlasting Presence, to the praise and glory of His Name! |