Pastor Bill Marks, Christian Fellowship, Potchefstroom, 018 293 1608 or 079 311 6515

On 3 April this year the prophet Kim Clement said, "A time has come and He calls it 'Theophany', where you know the hour and the moment. I want you now to declare that the Lord is going to show you more, to see further and possess the portion which is due to you at this time of your life. And thank Him for a multiplication in your business and in your finances."
In Genesis 11:31 we read that Abraham stayed in Haran with his family. While they stayed there the people worshipped a moon god who was the head of the gods and was the judge of men and women.
READ Genesis 12:1-3. In verse 1 the Lord said to Abraham that he is to leave his country and his family and go to a place which He would show him. It was God's timing for Abraham to be blessed and possess the portion which was due to him.
In verse 4 we read that at the age of 75 Abraham obeys God and leaves Haran. You are never too young or too old to accomplish things for the Lord, if you will only obey Him! Verses 5-6 relate that Abraham travelled with his wife Sarai, his nephew Lot, and the people they had acquired in Haran. They arrived at Shechem. The Hebrew word Shechem means "SHOULDER". During May this year a Restora-tion Seminar was held for the prisoners in one of our Correctional Services' Facilities. A dear friend of mine, who had been helping there during the weekend, said they gave the prisoners some cookies and each one also received a picture which was drawn by a child. As he looked around he saw one of the men crying and went to find out what was wrong with him. The man said that the picture that was given to him was that of "Humpty Dump-ty". His own nickname was "Humpty Dumpty" because of the shape of his head. He fully realized that his life was so broken that he wondered if it could ever be put together again. It is amazing that God loved him so much that out of all the men who had been there, He divinely arranged for him to receive that particular picture of "Humpty Dumpty".
This was his time for God to call him out of obscurity, heal him of his poor self-image and set him free from all his burdens as he committed his life to the Lord Jesus Christ that day. Many of us are also burdened with things that keep us in bondage. But GOD can set us free! "For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given; and the government will be upon HIS SHOULDER" (Isaiah 9:6).
It is believed that the four kings who attacked Sodom and Gomor-rah were likely from modern Iraq, Iran and Turkey (Genesis 14). Verse 11 relates that they took all the goods and provisions of Sodom and Gomorrah as well as Abraham's nephew Lot and his goods. In verse 13 we read that one of the men that had escaped came and told Abraham that Lot was taken captive. So Abraham, a mighty military man, armed his 318 trained servants who were born in his house and pursued Lot's captors. He divided his forces at night and brought back Lot, the women and all the goods.
When you see the enemy attacking your family or those in the Body of Christ, pursue the enemy and govern with authority by taking action in the natural as well as with the authority of Jesus' Name against all principalities, rulers of darkness and spiritual wickedness in high places (Ephesians 1:19-23). Remember, the Lord Jesus is the Head of the Church and we are His Body, and He has given us power and dominion over all evil forces of darkness. The Lord knows how to deliver the godly and righteous man out of temptations (2 Peter 2:9). No matter what your circumstances may be, this is your moment and time to take authority in the Name of Jesus, and pray and become victorious against the wiles of the devil!

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