This is a testimony of God's unchanging character. He does not renege on, break or abandon His promises - He is the same yesterday, today and forever!

I was looking for an organ and some musical instruments to use during worship for our church, called Koinonia Bible Church, which is in Tumahole Zone 6 Parys and was struggling to get something suitable.

I then enquired from Tannie Venter who monthly sends me a number of copies of the Good News Newspaper if it was possible for the Good News to place us an advert asking for musical instruments for our church. She agreed and even promised that the advert will be prayed for. She directed that I write all that I needed and also suggested that I send her the testimony about the information and pictures that I previously got from the Good News Newspaper and which I had translated into Sesotho. These pictures and wording I use to help spread the Gospel more easily. See an example below, bottom right.

These "Steps to God" booklet makes clear God's purpose for mankind that is separated from Him. This is man's great problem - our futile attempts to bridge the gap between us and God. The cross of Calvary is God's answer and remedy, and our response to God's remedy is to receive Christ as Lord and Saviour! Once the sinner do that, eternal life is secured!

  I recommended that after somebody prayed the sinner's prayer, that person should sign his name in the block across step 6 and write a date in the space provided. When all is completed, then I would see to it that the signed paper was laminated to preserve it and the owner would put it in a safe place to always remember the date of his/her conversion.

I am overjoyed to report that this booklet has turned out to be a powerful instrument in God's Hands. Many people have come to a saving knowledge of Jesus' redemption and grace.

I coordinated all these evangelistic efforts while lying in a MediClinic Hospital bed admitted for heart problems. I still hadn't even done what Tannie Venter had directed when my work colleague Wikus Kleynhans called to say that he had found an organ advertised for only R500! A few days thereafter I got a six-string lead guitar for R1 300! This was so wonderful and we were very grateful!

God promises that before we call, He will answer and this is exactly what He did! "And it shall come to pass that, before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear" (Isaiah 65:24).

God does not change: "For I am the Lord, I do not change" (Malachi 3:6a). "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today, yea and forever" (Hebrews 13:8). We serve a great and wonderful God!

- David Manoto, 076 816 7120.

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