On 4 March 2002, I was shot! Six bullets, of which four scorched the top of my head. One bullet penetrated my chin and passed through my right ear. The other bullet went through my right middle finger.
I was hospitalised for a week. All the doctors were suprised to see how quickly I recovered and asked me how it was possible that I could have survived 6 bullets. I told them that it was due to the protection of Almighty God and that the Lord only wanted us to have faith in Him all the time. We have to stand firm in our faith in God and trust in Him every moment of our lives. I stayed at home for another three weeks to recover from all my wounds. I am well and alive and my faith is stronger than ever because God has shown me His power. I would like to encourage everybody in the world today to have faith in God. Let us engulf ourselves with the Word of God. He will always protect us. The Word of God says in 2 Cor. 7:10: "For Godly sorrow produces repentance leading to salvation, not to be regretted; but the sorrow of the world produces death." The Lord has saved me with a purpose. I have to go out ant testify as often as I can. It is time for the world to think about their Creator, for He is the good Lord Who always forgives and Who will never forsake His children. Yes, God is our Saviour, our Protector and our Defender in each and every obstacle in life. We only need to open our hearts to Jesus, accept Him as Saviour and trust in Him with all of our hearts. He wants to save every human being on this earth, irrespective of colour, race, gender or origin. It is up to us to open our hearts to Him! For more details please call: Valentia Moncho, 083 497 3471 or (018) 464 5204. |