"You had better do as we want you to, or you'll get into trouble." The boy who spoke was the leader of a gang of rather rough looking boys. The boy to whom he was speaking was smaller than those who surrounded him, and stood pale and trembling before them. Through their leader the whole gang seemed to be demanding something of him.
"I can't do it," he said, his voice faltering a little as he spoke, but his lips were drawn firm, and his eyes steady and unwavering. "What's the reason you can't? You'll have to, I'm telling you. We're going to make you do it - whether you want to or not. We're all against you. You're alone - and what's going to stop us making you?"
The boy who was up against such overwhelming odds, was silent for a moment, and then he looked the other in the eye, and said: "I can't dot it; it's wrong, it's mean! I won't do a mean thing. Besides… I am not so alone as you think I am, either. There are two of us, and the other One is more than a match for all that have come against Him."
"Two of you," sneered the other boy, "and where 's your friend now? Why doesn't he show up? He's a great guy to leave you all alone! Much help you'll get from him! You're going to be all messed up before he comes!"
"No, I won't," answered the boy quietly, "because He is right here now. It's exactly like I told you. There ARE two of us - and the other one is GOD!"
The leader of the gang stepped back in amazement. He hadn't expected an answer like that! He looked for a moment into the determined face of the little fellow in front of him, and then, casting a sheepish glance at his companions around him, said: "Come on, guys. Let's forget him - it's no use messing with a guy like this." So they wetn away, leaving the younger boy triumphant.
His brave answer rang in my ears as I went on my way. It has rung again, many and many a time, when I too have been tempted to yield on some principle, or compromise in some way with wrong, and threatened if I did not. In my moments if weakness and yielding I have stopped and said: "No, …I may seem to be alone, and the odds ARE against me, but I must not forget that there are two of us, and the other one is GOD."
God and one man make a majority! God is always with the man who is bold enough to take his stand on the side of the right. Remember! Say to yourself when you are tempted to give up a principle, or to compromise, or to do something wrong: "No, I won't! There ARE two of us!"
- Selected

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