Charles Lamb once wrote, "Not many sounds in life…exceed in interest a knock on the door."
In Communist countries, a knock on the door often means the arrival of the secret police, to be followed by imprisonment or death. Christians must hide in basements or dark rooms and conduct their worship in almost total silence. A watchman is always on the lookout. A knock on the door will cause them to scatter in fear.
There may be times when you feel lonely, forsaken, or given to despair. A sudden knock on the door can turn the day into great joy, for it might signal the arrival of friends who really care.
The most important knock you will ever hear is sounded forth from the Scriptures: "Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear My voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with Me" (Revelation 3:20).
Christ often knocks early in your life while a future of possibilities is before you. He wishes to become your Saviour before you have gone very far in the wrong direction.
There are times when He knocks with opportunities, seeking to call each of us who are Chris-tians out of our rooms of selfishness into wide fields of labour. Often, we have no interest in opening the door. In fact, Christ is often faced with a "Do Not Disturb" sign which indicates our unwillingness to become involved.
Satan never bothers to knock. He simply overpowers our weak guard and makes himself at home, unless we resist him. He usually finds a lock that we failed to secure, a door left ajar, a window we left cracked, or a wall that is insecure and easy to penetrate.
Christ won't crawl through a window, or pick a lock to gain entrance into your heart. He will never become an intruder to upset your plans for life. He comes only as an invited guest.
How many times have you felt Christ knocking at your heart, but you hoped that by ignoring Him, He would go away? Christ respects your privacy, and if it is your desire to be eternally lost, He will allow you that option.
If you want to be saved from sin and destruction, if you desire fear and grief to be replaced with His peace and joy, open the door! Christ still knocks…
[Robert E Daugherty in The Evangel]

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