In 70 AD the Romans invaded Jerusalem and destroyed the 2nd temple which the Jewish people had built when they returned from Babylon (Zecha-riah 4). The Western wall is the only part of this Temple that escaped destruction.
We are blessed to live in a time like this, because we see God’s prophetic word being fulfilled. Isaiah 2:2 - "Now it shall come to pass in the latter days, that the mountain of the Lord’s house shall be established on the top of the mountains and shall be exalted above the hills." The Word here refers to the 3rd Temple that is going to be built on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. When Gerson Solomon was still a small boy, he heard the call of God again and again in his heart to rebuild the Temple of God on Mount Moriah. He served as a young officer in the army of Israel, and one day his unit was sent to the Golan Heights, which was controlled by the Syrians. As they went out to attack the Syrians, they were ambushed by thou-sands of Syrian soldiers. While Gerson ran out to save one of the soldiers, he was severely wounded and a tank drove over him. As he looked up, he saw a group of Syrian soldiers surrounding him and directing their guns to shoot him. He then heard God speak to his heart saying, "I am not finished with you yet, for you will build My house on My Holy Mountain you used to watch when you were a child. You are not alone in the battle, I am with you." The only way Israeli soldiers could find him, was by the light they saw that surrounded him. In the hospital the doctors declared his survival a miracle! After the war, there were Dutch observers who investigated the battle and reported back to the United Nations. They asked the Syrian officers why they did not kill the Israeli officer. The Syrian officers said that just as they were about to kill him, they saw thousands of angels surrounding them and knew that God wanted this Israeli officer to live. They then ran as fast as they could to the mountains with the angels following them. Likewise, the Lord has a destiny and a purpose for your life and has called you to be "SET APART FOR HIM." 1 Peter 1:15-16: "But just as He Who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written, "Be holy, because I am holy." The Lord Jesus Christ took our sins with Him on the cross and removed them from our lives, so that when we ask Him forgiveness of our sins and invite Him into our lives, He becomes our Lord and Saviour. The Holy Spirit then comes and dwells within us and He is the Agent of our holiness. Song of Solomon 2:15 - "It is the little foxes which spoil the vine." Whatever you find is spoiling your life by taking away your joy, peace and love, give it to the Lord. Psalm 118:22 - "The stone which the builders rejected has become the chief corner stone." Preparation is now in process for the building of the 3rd Temple and 2 corner stones, each weighing 6½ tons, have been prepared to start the process of rebuilding the Temple. The plans for the layout of the Temple Mount have been prepared and donations of gold and silver have been received to make the items that will be placed in the Temple. Jesus is coming soon! Live holy lives so that Jesus can present us to the Father without spot or wrinkle! |