Intrigued by the big book that her roommate read every morning before she prayed, a young medical student in Thailand, Rujirat Rattanasila, decided to find out more. "I asked her why she did this and she suggested that I try reading her book, which she called the Bible. During a course in anatomy I started to question life and the reason why we are living on this earth. I decided perhaps my friend had the answer, so I asked if I could accompany her to church. The first time I heard the minister speak from the Bible, I knew that that was what I needed, and I asked Jesus to become my Lord and Saviour." Rujirat Rattanasila was the first Christian in her family and she had to face strong resistance from them. She, however, persevered. Today Dr Rattanasila is a Christian physician who loves God and lives for His Word. She reads the Bible every day before starting work, because it empowers her to live a Christian life, and gives her strength for the day. In Dr Rattanasila's own words, "I am the person who asked a Christian to take me to church because I knew she had a book that made her so different from everyone else." Through the World Service Program of the United Bible Societies, the Bible Society of South Africa (BSSA) assists the Thailand Bible Society to make this life-changing Book, the Bible, available to the millions of Thai-speakers. Your prayers and contributions enable the Bible Society to take the Word of God to the people of Thailand. [Source: The Sower, 1997]. |