Remove the head coach, and the team flounders; break the fuel pipe, and the car won't run; unplugged, the electrical appliance has no power; without the head, the body dies. Whether for leadership, power, or life, connections are vital! Only by being connected with Christ through faith can anyone have eternal life and only through a continuing connection with Him can anyone have power for living. Christ is God incarnate and the only way to peace with God the Father.
Because our eternal destiny is sure, heaven should fill our thoughts, sexual impurity and other worldly lusts should not be named among us, and truth, love and peace should mark our lives.
Our love for Christ should also translate into love for others - friends, fellow-believers, spouses, children, and parents. Furthermore, we should constantly communicate with God through prayer, and we should take every opportunity to tell others the Good News of salvation. In Christ we have everything we need for salvation and for living the Christian life!

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