Atheist David Mills proposes that we are approaching a new "Golden Age" of Atheism. There certainly are other voices that agree. In the last decade or so, a number of books put atheism on the front lines as radio and television gave the new "godless" opportunities to explain their works. Atheism isn't new, of course, what's new, though, is the popularity of atheism. There is an openness to - even an eagerness for - people who shrilly advocate a universe without God. Oxford professor Richard Dawkins says "God is very, very improbable," and he argues that belief in God is as dangerous as a virus and should not be tolerated. Dawkins is not alone. Author Sam Harris encourages atheists to exert so much pressure that it becomes "too embarrassing" to believe in God. The new atheism is not limited to books. Television comedian and commentator Bill Maher, who regularly takes opportunities to belittle people of faith and ridicule the God of the Bible, created a sacrilegious docu-mentary (Religulous) that is designed to expose the "myth" of God. Magicians Penn and Teller have become social commentators, some-times using profanity to pour their contempt on the Biblical God and "knuckle-draggers" who worship Him. Sadly, audiences laugh and applaud. "These days, God's holiness and the honour of His Name are disgraced in abundance," wrote Daniel Henderson, Director of Strategic Renewal. "The attack on His truth and trustworthiness is pervasive. "These attacks should make the Christian long for revival in the Church, and indeed God's people must rise up to honour His Name. - The News in the Light of the Bible, Prophetic News Letter, August 2008 |