Erick Stakelbeck, CBN News Terrorism Analyst, reports on evidence that the Iranian Government sees the current unrest in the Middle East as a signal that the Mahdi - or Islamic Messiah - is about to appear. CBN News has obtained a never-before-seen video produced by the Iranian regime that says all the signs are moving into place and that Iran will soon help usher in the end times. While the revolutionary movements gripping the Middle East have created uncertainty throughout the region, the video shows that the Iranian regime believes chaos is divine proof that their ultimate victory is at hand. To view the video go to: From a Christian perspective it is imperative to understand the "divine" agenda behind the turmoil in North Africa. If the leadership in Iran truly believe that the events in North Africa are signs that the return of the Mahdi is near and that they will usher in his return then we, as Christians, need to understand the spiritual battle ahead of us. This is not prophetic, this is a deep reality. The world can change in six minutes and our response should be with the same sense of urgency. WHO IS THE MAHDI? Within the Shiite faith, (which is predominant in Iran), it is prophesied that there is a coming 12th Imam who is the great spiritual saviour. This Imam is named Abu al-Qasim Mohammad or also called Muhammad al Mahdi. He is said to have been born the son of the 11th Imam, Hasan Al-Askari and his wife, the granddaughter of an emperor. Remarkably, the 12th Imam theory plays heavily into the world's current concerns with Iran. The Shiite Muslim President of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, is deeply committed to the Islamic Messiah, al Mahdi. There have been many through the years claiming to be the Hidden Imam but Ahmadinejad believes he is yet to come. He claims that he is to personally prepare the world for the coming Mahdi. In order to save the world, it must be in a state of chaos and subjugation. Ahmadinejad claims he was "directed by Allah to pave the way for the glorious appearance of the Mahdi." This apocalyptic directive includes some very scary proclamations, including the use of nuclear weapons. The events in Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria, Lebanon, Yemen and currently in Libya bring the Church to one of the biggest opportunities ever but also to one of the greatest challenges. On the one hand there is now a window of opportunity to share the Gospel with people who are seeking answers and searching for hope. But on the other hand there is a real concern about the advance and influence of extremist Islam. Take to heart Luke 12:56 - You hypocrites! You know how to understand the appearance of the earth and the sky. Why can't you understand the meaning of what is happening right now? [From: NOW, June/July 2011]. Never before has a date in history (A.D. 2012) been so significant to so many cultures, so many religions, scientists, and governments. Many different religious groups await a "Messiah". Even though we cannot forecast a specific day or hour for the return of Jesus Christ, the true Messiah, He warns us to be alert and ready for His imminent coming. "But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father" (Mark 13:32 NKJV). BUT we are also urged to "Watch therefore, and pray always, that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man" (Luke 21:36 NKJV). - Editor |